Laboratory Testing

In-house Testing
We offer BioPryn blood pregnancy testing on cattle, sheep and goats. We also have the ability to check milk samples for microbes (see Milk Quality for more information), do basic fecal quantification and qualification (especially important for small ruminants), and examine blood smears in our in-office lab. Contact your veterinarian for more information on any of these tests.

Disease Testing & Full Necropsy Services
The California Animal Health & Food Safety (CAHFS) Laboratory at UC Davis allows us to test for a number of diseases, including trichomoniasis, brucellosis, Johne's disease, caprine arthritis and encephalitis (CAE), caseous lymphadenitis (CL), and many more. We can also send in animals or samples for necropsy, which includes cell-level examination of body tissues and applicable testing to identify a cause of death when a gross necropsy doesn't provide us with all the information we need. Results are usually available within a week.

Complete Blood Count & Chemistry
Some sick animals are hard to diagnose and we may need to send out bloodwork to get a better idea of what's happening. We send our CBC and chemistry samples to IDEXX for quick, reliable turnaround, often providing us with results the next day.